Shift Six Labs, Inc.

Web, mobile and desktop software solutions for your business

About Shift Six Labs

Industry veterans will ensure your computing goals are achieved

Our seasoned staff can streamline your operations and increase productivity. With over twenty years of industry experience our capabilities abound. We'll turn that Excel™ sheet or desktop application into a web application your whole team will appreciate. Call on us to convert or extend an existing application and turn that distant 2.0 milestone into a reality. Ensure your payment application is PCI DSS Compliant by utilizing our consulting and development resources. Check out all the services we offer.

Shift Six Labs, Inc.

Our Strengths

Quality software that adapts to your business

Honesty and integrity sit at the core of what we do. When it comes to your goals and our capabilities we offer straight honest answers. You don't always know what you need. We're here to facilitate that discussion to ensure your requirements are met. We desgin our software to change as your business does. By utliizing open source technologies and industry standards your business can rest assured that help is just a community away. Our rigorous test-driven development process ensures you get software that just works.


What we can do for you


Responsive web applications


Application programming interfaces


Native mobile applications


Windows, Linux & Mac desktop applications


Automated data conversion


Software consulting services


Contact us to get the conversation started.

Olathe, KS

+1 (877) 359-8271